The Book

How Effectively Are You Selling to the World's Largest Generation?

Millennials Are not Aliens Book - Gui Costin

About The Book

Millennials Are Not Aliens

There are over 2.5 billion millennials that are projected to control $24 trillion of the world’s wealth by 2020. This technology-driven generation is dominating the workforce and demanding innovation in every aspect of their personal and professional lives. Their buying habits are not comparable to those of Generation Xers and baby boomers; therefore, you must sell to them differently.

Founder of Dakota, Gui Costin recognizes that in order to acquire and retain millennials as clients in the investment industry, fundamental changes need to be made to the way we approach selling. He has tirelessly researched what makes millennials tick and compiled his findings into his new book, Millennials Are Not Aliens. This is a guide to how the world’s largest generation buys and what that means for your investment firm.

Millennials Are Not Aliens gives insight into the changes and advances happening across the global landscape. Not only does he dive into the transformations taking place in the investment space and how this should influence how you sell to your clients, but he also provides the information you need to successfully sell to the most technologically advanced, content-consuming, facts-driven generation the world has ever seen.

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